IranProtests - Islamic World News

Saturday 23 November 2019 - 22:54

Iran’s Security Counter Attack to A Three Year Plan! / Behind the Iran’s Recent Riots, Part 1

Why gas price increased in a night in Iran and even Parliament Members did not know about it? The head of national security and foreign police commission of the Iran’s Parliament was unaware of it and tried to prepare the bill of impeachment of President Rouhani and Head of Parliament. However, what happened was beyond the issues to inform the Parliament Members. To clear the issue we look deeper at the incidents.

Monday 1 January 2018 - 11:21

Hassan Rouhani: US, Arab Foes Have No Right to Sympathize with Iranians

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani lashed out at his US counterpart for commenting on the recent protests in Iran, saying the man who already called the Iranian people terrorists, as well as certain Arab regimes working against Iran, have no right to sympathize with the nation.

Saturday 30 December 2017 - 17:57

What is happening in Iran?

Yesterday, rallies in different cities in Iran protesting high prices and unemployment situation for the second day happens and has a widespread feedback in media all over the world. International reactions to these rallies from the White House to different media which is noteworthy.