Resistance - Islamic World News

Saturday 18 September 2021 - 18:56

Video: Why true believers do not surrender?!

By God, if we turn into scattered particles in the air it is more honorable and beloved to us than to surrender to all those wicked, corrupt criminals and arrogant tyrants on earth!

Friday 22 May 2020 - 13:02

Video: Everything began from here…

A short and shocking documentary about the way we have come and the promise that will be fulfilled with God’s help… Must see!

Tuesday 18 February 2020 - 10:07

Video: Firm words!

The real victories comes from who? How is it that we can win despite all the shortcomings and limitations?!

Sunday 6 October 2019 - 11:01

Low Income Class or Embassies Pawn Soldiers Protest?! What’s Happening in Iraq?

In recent days, surprising protest and conflicts happened in Iraq that were different from previous cases. This time there was no invitation by the political parties and even Sadr movement did not invite formally or informally. The protests were triggered by social media and the level of the work shows that there is a master […]

Thursday 20 July 2017 - 06:26

Latest progress by Syrian army in eastern Syria & possible axis

In recent days, the Syrian army leaded by Soheil Hassan, advancing and defeating ISIS defense lines in southern province of #Raqqah therefore , a large number of oil and gas wells were freed through the last week. Also Resistance forces are approaching to Al-Sukhnah in #Tadmur–#DeirezZor axis. It is also possible for them to advance towards T2 station […]