Yemen: Al-Amaliqah Brigades Take Control Of Bayhan Town

Monday 10 April 2023 - 19:52

ISWNews Analysis Group – The forces of Al Amaliqah Brigades have taken control of Bayhan town in western region of Shabwah Governorate following their clashes with the Shabwa Defense Forces.

On April 8, Al Amaliqah Brigades succeeded in taking control of Bayhan al Qisab, a town in western Yemen, after confrontation with militants of a son of Governor of resigned government in Shabwa Awad bin Al-Wazir Al-Awlaki.

The conflict was triggered by a dispute over collecting tolls in al-Alia market; then, the forces of the Shabwa Defense withdrew from Bayhan al Qisab.

Bayhan al Qisab town is one of the oil-rich regions in Shabwah Governorate, which has been under the control of militants affiliated to the Saudi-led coalition; so, its oil revenues and other incomes of the region are being paid to the Al Amaliqah Brigades and the Southern Transitional Council (STC).

Recent conflicts in the areas, which have been usurped by the Saudi-led coalition, have turned into a routine activity of different fractions affiliated to the coalition, and each of the forces make their all-out efforts to expand their control on towns in southern and eastern governorates of the war-hit Arab country.

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