Amaliqah - Islamic World News

Thursday 1 June 2023 - 18:18

Unidentified Drones Strike On Jaishan In Yemen

ISWNews Analysis Group – Unidentified drones pounded positions of the Al Amaliqah forces or the Giants Brigades (affiliated to the resigned government in Yemen) in the northern areas of Jaishan district in Abyan Governorate in South Yemen on May 31, local sources reported.

Sunday 2 April 2023 - 20:24

Yemen’s Ansar Allah Advancing In Marib And Shabwah Fronts

ISWNews Analysis Group – The recent strikes by the Saudi-led coalition forces to retake defense lines of Harib district in southern Marib Governorate as well as Markhah al-Oliya district in western Shabwah Governorate have faced strong resistance by Ansar Allah movement; so, the attacks doomed to failure. After two weeks since the onset of clashes […]

Sunday 19 March 2023 - 16:58

U.S. Military Adviser Killed In Yemen

ISWNews Analysis Group – One of the US military advisors in Yemen was killed following the clashes between the Amaliqah and the US forces in Shabwah province.

Friday 28 January 2022 - 21:24

Withdrawal of Amaliqa forces from Marib and Shabwa fronts!

One month after the entry of Amaliqah forces (Giant Brigades) into the heavy fighting in Shabwa and Marib provinces, these forces announced the end of military operations in the west of Shabwa province and the south of Marib on January 28.

Friday 28 January 2022 - 10:28

Audience Question: Who are the Giant Brigades?

The Giant Brigades (Arabic: العمالقة, Al-Amaliqah) are among the old Yemeni militia groups that have been organized under the command of the Saudi coalition since 2017 and are taking part in the Yemeni war.

Tuesday 4 January 2022 - 21:31

Latest Updates on Shabwa Fronts, 4 January 2022

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Saudi-led forces attacks on positions of Ansar Allah and the popular committees continued on the southern fronts of the Usaylan district.