Latest Updates on Yemen, 7 June 2019

Saturday 8 June 2019 - 08:34

Latest news from al Hudaydah, Jawf, Hajjah and Dhale fronts

Al Hudaydah:
Ceasefire violation in Al Hudaydah:
– Martyrdom of 1 woman, 1 child and 1 man and injury of several civilians due to mortar attacks to Al Hudaydah’s Hali residential by Saudi Coalition forces.
– Saudi Coalition forces attacked Durayhimi, Jah and Jabalia areas with more than 50 mortar shells.
Jawf and Saadah:
– Ansar Allah engagement with Saudi Coalition forces in Al Ajasher desert and near Al Boqa’.
– Saudi Coalition forces attack repelled in Rashaha area by Ansar Allah and Yemeni Popular’s Committees.
– Ansar Allah fires a Zilzal-1 missile toward Saudi Coalition forces gathering in south of Hayran.
– Scattered engagements near Dhale town and Azariq district between Ansar Allah and Saudi Coalition.

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