News - Islamic World News

Saturday 8 February 2020 - 23:12

Will Turkey start a war with Syrian Army?

ISWNews Analysis Group: After recent tensions between the Syrian army and Turkey, a large military convoy entered Syrian territory from Turkish borders and are going to Idlib and things are getting more complicated!

Saturday 8 February 2020 - 22:35

Tal al-Eis in south of Aleppo was liberated!

As we announced last night, after the advances of the Resistance forces and Syrian army in the south of Aleppo and north of Saraqib, terrorists in the region of Al Eis are in the situation of quasi-siege and was forced gradually withdraw from the region.

Saturday 8 February 2020 - 22:19

Analyzing the process of Yemen war in recent months

On the eve of the fifth year of the Yemen war, we are seeing the change in the balance of this war in favor of Ansar Allah. The change that its background is the strategic patience and several years of resistance of Ansar Allah against the Saudi coalition’s seditions and heavy attacks

Friday 7 February 2020 - 15:09

Breaking: SAA advance south of Aleppo

ISWNews Analysis Group: Resistance forces and Syrian army liberated the villages of Zitan and Berna in southern Aleppo from terrorist occupation.