News - Islamic World News

Monday 16 September 2019 - 09:42

Latest Updates on Yemen, 15 September 2019

1. Hajjah: – According to Ansar Allah media, AnsarAllah’s drone-artillery joint operation in Hayran and Ahem triangle imposed more than 30 dead and injured casualties to Saudi-led forces. – Ansar Allah fired 2 Zelzal-1 missiles at Hayran area.   2. Saadah: Saudi Coalition fighters attacked different parts of Saadah province 8 times.   3. Latest […]

Sunday 15 September 2019 - 21:12

Latest Updates on Syria; 15 September 2019

ISWNews Analysis Group: The opening of the AlBukamal-AlQaim border crossing is still delayed and no exact date has been set. The opening was stopped after Israeli air strikes on the area.

Sunday 15 September 2019 - 19:43

Saudi Oil Facilities Are Still On Fire

ISWNews Analysis Group: NASA satellite images of eastern Saudi Arabia on September 15, show that the fire was contained in the Abqaiq refinery, but four other sites south of Abqaiq are still burning.

Saturday 14 September 2019 - 22:10

Six Emirati Troops Killed in Libya

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to GNA’s statement, their fighter jets attacked Al Jufrah airbase in north of Libya that resulted in death of 6 military personnel.