West Asia - Islamic World News

Friday 23 August 2019 - 23:08

Grand Ayatollah Al Haeri: It is “Haram” for US to remain in Iraq.

Grand Ayatollah Kazem Husseini Haeri, a prominent Twelver Shi’a Marja in Iraq, regarding the attacks on PMU’s bases said: “Remaining of US troops in Iraq by whatever name, such as training, military consulting or counterterrorism that they themselves originate, is a religious prohibition”

Friday 23 August 2019 - 22:32

Latest Updates on Palestine 23 August 2019

1. In an operation by Palestinian Resistance in west of Ramallah, a Zionist was killed and two other injured. This attack was done by throwing a hand made bomb toward Zionist vehicle.   2. Firing 2 missiles toward Zionist town of Shar Hangif from Gaza. According to Israeli sources the rockets hit the open areas. […]

Wednesday 21 August 2019 - 20:19

Map: Syrian Army Liberated Khan Sheikhoun in Southern Idlib

ISWNews Analysis Group: This afternoon, Syrian Army continued their advance westward after the liberation of Tal Tari, eventually joining the forces that had liberated the city of Khan Sheikhun in the west of the Khazanat checkpoint and thus the Turkish observation post, Morek, Kafr Zita, Latamenah and another villages were besieged by the Syrian Army.