West Asia - Islamic World News

Thursday 11 April 2019 - 17:52

The Most Anti-Terrorism Organization in the World!

Pompeo says Iran’s Suleimani will be viewed same as ISIS leader! What a nonsense. He & IRGC are the most effective anti-terrorism organization in the world. We respect US citizens but sadly the real terrorist is the US Army which its crimes recorded in the history relentlessly!   Pompeo says #Iran‘s Suleimani will be viewed […]

Sunday 31 March 2019 - 21:51

Investigating UAE’ Foreign Policy

Abundant Oil resources and wealth of the Persian Gulf which were divided by UK between several small and large countries such as Emirates and Saudi Arabia, enabled them to carry on their exploitation policies from Africa to Asia and rule over several thousand years of civilization.
Thus military and rented armies of West and East become a profitable industry which requires the “shadow of war” policy (for example Iranophobia in western Asia) to boom weapon contracts, military support, oil industry exploitation and etc.
Emirates is one of these countries which has a vast plan for foreign influence in fear of Iran and Moghawemat power and in competition with Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
The range of Emirates foreign influence plan covers countries such as Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Somalia, Afghanistan and etc.