West Asia - Islamic World News

Wednesday 3 October 2018 - 12:35

Video | Delivery of S-300 Systems to Syria

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Last night, the first shipment of S-300 air defense systems transported to the Hmeymim Air Base in northwest Syria and handed over to the Syrian Army.

Monday 1 October 2018 - 20:37

Demilitarized Zone in Idlib and Political Game of Russia and Turkey

On September 17 it was announced by Turkey and Russia that demilitarized zone (DMZ) is going to be imposed in Idlib province; a news surprising many. It’s two weeks after the news and one more week until it is implantation but local evidences tell something else.   After Russian and Turkish Presidents meeting in Sochi, […]

Monday 1 October 2018 - 15:24

IRGC Missile and Drone Attacks on ISIS Terrorists in Hajin in Syria + Pictures

Islamic World News Analysis Group: On the Morning of October 1th, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in response to Ahvaz terrorist attack, fired 6 surface-to-surface ballistic missiles at the important positions of terrorists in Hajin pocket in east of the Euphrates in Syria. At the same time, 7 UAVs of the IRGC also bombed the area.