Yemen - Islamic World News

Tuesday 26 November 2019 - 21:41

Report: Ceasefire Violations in Yemen, 26 November 2019

Al Hudaydah: – Saudi coalition warplanes bombed Kamran island and Raas Issa and Salif district 13 times. – Saudi coalition warplanes bombed north of al Hudaydah five times. – Saudi coalition airstrike to Fazah area. – Saudi coalition artillery hit Jah area in Beit Faqih district with 24 rockets. – Saudi coalition troops targeted Zaafaran […]

Sunday 24 November 2019 - 22:06

Report: Ceasefire Violations in Yemen, 24 November 2019

Al Hudaydah: – Saudi-led forces attack repelled in north of Jabaliyah by AnsarAllah. Saudi coalition fired more than 18 rockets to the area. – Firing more than 33 rockets toward al-Jah, Beit Faqih district. – Saudi-led forces opened fire over 16 km area and Maghari village near Hays. – Saudi coalition artillery pounded northwest of […]

Wednesday 20 November 2019 - 20:55

Latest Updates on Yemen, 20 November 2019

1- Saadah:Yemeni Army “Thaqib” Air Defense System managed to intercept a Saudi coalition F-15 warplane over the Saadah sky. 2- Bin Salman statement on Yemen conflict:Since the beginning of the Yemen war, Saudi Arabia have been targeted by 286 missiles and 289 drones, but the Saudi development projects and people’s life does not affected by […]