Yemen - Islamic World News

Sunday 16 July 2023 - 20:03

Latest Developments On Yemeni Fronts; What Is Happening In Occupied Areas? (Map)

Given the fact that an unwritten ceasefire between the Ansar Allah movement and the Saudi coalition is in place, the conflict in Yemen shifted to occupied areas, and the Saudi-led factions are trying to gain more power and influence in the war-torn country. The situation led to weakening of the resigned Yemeni government, and members […]

Saturday 24 June 2023 - 16:56

Al-Zoubaidi Says He Is Seeking To Revitalize STC Rule In South Yemen

Major General Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, head of the Southern Transitional Council, said at a press conference in London that he had rejected the offer to become president of Yemen because he was not seeking power but rather he is keen on the revival of the southern state (South Yemen).

Tuesday 20 June 2023 - 07:54

The Internal Conflict Of Tareq Saleh’s Forces In Al-Khokha Town

ISWNews Analysis Group – As a result of intra-clashes between the forces loyal to Tareq Saleh and the gunmen of Abu Diab Al-Alkami, the commander of the support brigade of the joint forces (under the command of Tareq Saleh), at least several militia members were killed and wounded in the town of Al-Khokha, in the Hudaydah province.