UAE withdraws its forces from Aden
ISWNews Analysis Group: Yesterday UAE forces retreated from Aden officially and left control of the town to Saudis and Mansour Hadi’s resigned government.

ISWNews Analysis Group: Yesterday UAE forces retreated from Aden officially and left control of the town to Saudis and Mansour Hadi’s resigned government.
ISWNews Analysis Group: The Southern Transitional Council will retreat from Aden after receiving serious warning from Saudi Coalition.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Saudi Arabia invited the Hadi’s forces and Southerners to hold an urgent meeting in Saudi Arabia.
– Mansour Hadi forces gained the full control over the Al Hadid mountain and the 1st Brigade base. – Mansour Hadi forces gained the full control over the Ummal(worker) Island and the Southerners logistic road has been blocked from the sea road. – Southern forces captured the Naql Camp near the judiciary and […]
A commander of Mansour Hadi’s forces in Aden was killed in engagement near the Tariq base.