Military Knowledge - Islamic World News

Saturday 11 May 2024 - 09:40

Khibiny Electronic Countermeasures System; Russia’s Secret Technology!

Khibiny is an Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) system that has been specifically designed and developed for the Sukhoi fighter jets of the Russian Aerospace Forces. As the name suggests, this system is used to interfere with radio waves and to counter and deflect the enemy’s tracking systems.

Monday 6 May 2024 - 16:32

Military Knowledge: Rajum Short-Range Rocket System

From the outset of Operation al-Aqsa Flood, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, introduced a new rocket system called Rajum for the battleground and used it for the first time on October 7, 2023 to target positions of the Israeli regime’s occupied territories.

Thursday 21 March 2024 - 10:25

Military Knowledge: Azarakhsh Air Defense System

Azarakhsh (Thunderbolt) is an Iranian short-range, low-altitude air defense system with high mobility. This defense system is in the form of a Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar (TELAR) and is used to track and destroy various low-altitude aerial targets such as drones, cruise missiles, helicopters, and more.

Monday 4 March 2024 - 13:25

Military Knowledge: Arman Missile System (Tactical Sayyad)

Arman is a medium-range high-altitude air defense system designed to protect sensitive areas against aerial threats such as short-range ballistic missiles, anti-radiation missiles, cruise missiles, guided aerial bombs, helicopters, and drones. Some of the key features of the Arman air defense system include a response time of less than 20 seconds, 360-degree operational area coverage, the ability to engage up to 6 targets simultaneously, and deployment readiness within 3 minutes.

Wednesday 21 February 2024 - 12:46

Military Knowledge: Arrow Anti-Ballistic System

The Arrow is a series of anti-ballistic missiles jointly funded, developed and produced by the Israeli regime and the United States of America. This system is considered to be the most effective and strongest anti-ballistic system of the Israel regime, and it was specially developed to deal with Iran’s ballistic missiles.

Sunday 11 February 2024 - 22:02

Military Knowledge: D9 Armoured Bulldozer

The Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozer (nicknamed Doobi) is a combat engineering armored bulldozer that has been heavily modified by the Israeli military and aerospace industries to increase the survivability of the bulldozer in hostile environments and enable it to withstand heavy attacks, thus making it suitable for military combat engineering use.

Monday 29 January 2024 - 20:38

Military Knowledge: Almas Missile

Almas (diamond) is an Iranian fire-and-forget short-range anti-armor and anti-personnel weapon that was produced by the Ministry of Defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Almas missile is known as the Iranian version of the Israeli Spike missile.

Wednesday 10 January 2024 - 18:34

Military Knowledge: Sa’ar 6-Class Corvette

The Sa’ar 6 corvette is the most advanced warship of the Israeli Navy, built by the German shipbuilding company TKMS. So far, four Sa’ar 6-class corvettes have been built for the Israeli Navy. Considering the missile systems used in this vessel, Sa’ar 6 is actually a warship for air defence purposes and has a low offensive power.

Friday 5 January 2024 - 15:51

Military Knowledge: Harop Suicide Drone

IAI Harop is an expensive loitering munition produced by the Israel Aerospace Industries. This expensive drone is an improved version of Harpy drone and is also known as Harpy-2. The main task of this drone is to suppress the enemy’s air defense systems. Harop drone has been used operationally by the Azerbaijani army against Armenian air defense systems and vehicles in the Nagorno-Karabakh War.

Sunday 17 December 2023 - 14:56

Military Knowledge: Stormer HVM Short-Range Air Defense System

The Stormer HVM system is a high-mobility short-range air defense system that combines the Alvis Stormer armored vehicle with the Starstreak short-range surface-to-air missile. This system is manufactured by the British company Alvis Vickers, now BAE Systems Land & Armaments. The main role of the Stormer HVM is to protect ground forces and key installations […]

Wednesday 29 November 2023 - 21:14

Military Knowledge: Zulfiqar Main Battle Tank

The Zulfiqar tank is the first main battle tank (MBT) of Iran, which has been designed and developed since 1993 based on the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army during eight years of the Holy Defense (Iraq-Iran war) and in order to meet the needs of the ground forces. So far, the Zulfiqar tank has been designed, developed, and built in three versions by the Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad organizations of the Ground Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army.