Nagorno-Karabakh - Islamic World News

Saturday 19 September 2020 - 21:55

Ethnic war is raging in Karabakh region

The untimely presence of Turkish forces in the Republic of Nakhchivan and the mainland of Azerbaijan and the air and ground military exercises may have been a show of strength at the beginning, but the general movement of the Republic of Azerbaijan shows that this is not a purely propaganda option.

Wednesday 12 August 2020 - 21:10

Opinion: An overview of Caucasians recruitment

After a few weeks since the border tensions between the Republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia at the border of Touz-Tavoush and the cooling of the inflamed atmosphere in both countries, the officials of the two ruling parties in Yerevan and Baku are planning a program for the coming months by strengthening the foreign relations while the meaningful silence of the Islamic Republic of Iran is significant in its kind.

Saturday 18 July 2020 - 21:21

Another Israeli drone shot down in Karabakh

ISWNews Analysis Group: This morning, an Israeli Orbiter-3 UAV belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan was shot down over Karabakh by the Artsakh forces.

Sunday 25 August 2019 - 12:36

Overview of the Karabakh control lines + Map of Karabakh

In seventh century, a triangle area between river’s Kura, Aras and Zengezur mountain was called Karabakh. Terrain of the area is rich and includes prairies and high mountains. Near end of 18th century, local lord of the Karabakh was the most powerful lord among Caucasus lords but due to rampant diseases, many died or migrated, […]