Syria - Islamic World News

Tuesday 17 December 2019 - 09:15

Saudis to partner with Deir ez-Zur oil

ISWNews Analysis Group: The US-led coalition plans to partner with Saudi Arabia’s Aramco to expand its oil trade in the northern Deir ez-Zur oil fields.

Saturday 14 December 2019 - 15:44

Opinion: What Does US. Want in Syria?

Conflict between different groups is US primary goal. Since a powerful stable central government in Syria means an end to Israel ambitions and Trump is playing in Syria’s court to cover up his failures in foreign policy.

Monday 2 December 2019 - 18:36

Syrian Army Entered Aliya Silos

ISWNews Analysis Group: Yesterday the Syrian Army forces entered the Aliya Silos in south of Raas al-Ayn, Hasakah province.

Sunday 1 December 2019 - 12:11

US Forces Deployment in Rumeilan Oilfields

A US military caravan including 80 soldiers and 100 vehicles exited Hasakah town and after passing through Qamishli, took position in oil fields of Rumeilan, northeast of Syria.

Saturday 30 November 2019 - 21:54

Map: Militant Advance in Southern Idlib

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following a large-scale attacks by Tharir al-Sham and its allies on the Syrian Army positions in southern Idlib province, number of villages fall to militants.