Central Asia - Pacific - Islamic World News

Wednesday 25 December 2019 - 15:53

Latest updates on Afghanistan, 24 December 2019

1. Latest updates on presidential election: – Atta Muhammad Nur: Strives and bravery of election commission are admirable. – Abdullah Abdullah: We defend people’s votes at all cost. – National Islamic Movement party (led by Gen. Dostam): Cheating and forging do not determine the result of election. We stand and defend people’s votes. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar […]

Tuesday 24 December 2019 - 12:58

Video: Kuala Lumpur Summit; A New Window to Islamic World Issues

The Kuala Lumpur Summit innovated and hosted by Malaysia’s PM from 18-21 December 2019 with presence of 52 Islamic countries including Iran, Qatar, Turkey and Pakistan.The Kuala Lumpur Summit, which aims to create a new Islamic coalition in the region, faced with strong concern and opposition from Saudi Arabia; therefore, Imran Khan withdrew from participating […]