News - Islamic World News

Monday 17 February 2020 - 15:42

Article: Damascus policy towards Syrian Democratic Forces and Arab tribes

Although Syrian Kurds, after expanding their reign over Kurdish and even Arabic areas located in East of Euphrates river called “Jazirah”, started the system of self-government under support of USA, but their relation with Syrian government was in the state not peace nor war. There were limited engagements between them for time to time but never became a full enmity.

Sunday 16 February 2020 - 20:13

Details of US-Taliban agreement

According to latest updates, temporary ceasefire between USA and Taliban will be start in a few days. The ceasefire will be permanent in case the American side is happy with it and then the summit between afghan groups will be held and finally American soldiers will leave.

Saturday 15 February 2020 - 23:36

Map: Latest military situation in west of Aleppo, 15 February 2020

Syrian Army and Resistance forces in their advances on Saturday succeeded in liberating areas of al-Rashedin 1, Military Research Center, al-Amin housing, Ajil, Uwaijal, Halaqim and al-Mansoura in west of Aleppo city from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other terrorist groups.