Israel - Islamic World News

Monday 25 October 2021 - 16:53

Israeli airstrikes on Quneitra

ISWNews Analysis Group: Early on October 25, Israeli helicopters targeted three Syrian military posts in Quneitra province in southern Syria.

Saturday 4 September 2021 - 15:20

Syrian Army missiles land in Israel!

On April 22, an explosion near the Dimona nuclear power plant in occupied Palestine caused panic among residents around the plant, prompting alarms in the Negev. Zionists living in the area around the Dimona power plant, unaware of the cause of the incident, believed that the explosion was due to rockets fired by the Palestinian […]

Monday 23 August 2021 - 23:18

Fire in Occupied Palestine + Images

ISWNews Analysis Group: More than 10 fires have occurred in occupied Palestine as a result of Palestinian youth sending incendiary balloons to Zionist areas.