Israel - Islamic World News

Thursday 6 February 2020 - 11:40

Details of Israel airstrike to Syria + Video

According to Syrian army official:On early hours of Thursday, Syrian air defense reacted to two waves of Israeli airstrikes. The first one was at 01:12 to attack military targets near Damascus and the second attack took place at 01:14 targeting military positions near Daraa, Qunaitra and Rif Damascus.Israeli aircraft used south of Lebanon and occupied […]

Wednesday 5 February 2020 - 20:58

UAE, broker for al-Burhan and Netanyahu meeting!

Washington Post gave more details about the secret meeting between Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of military council of Sudan, and Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Zionist regime, in Uganda.

Monday 3 February 2020 - 12:53

Israel army casualties in drill

ISWNews Analysis Group: 15 soldiers of Golani Brigade wounded due to explosion of a mortar in a drill at northern borders of occupied Palestine.

Saturday 1 February 2020 - 12:52

Deal of the Century ; the Obvious and Hidden Goals

Examination of the experience of US behavior in such situations can indicate two strategies: or adopting a completely hard and military and comprehensive approach, or being ready for a sudden rotation and roll back from the hard approach.