West Asia - Islamic World News

Tuesday 24 December 2019 - 10:29

Syrian Army liberated Barsah!

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the Syrian army advances in the south of Idlib province, the village of al-Barsah (al-Asha’eriyah) in the north Farwan village was liberated from terrorists occupation.

Monday 23 December 2019 - 21:50

Report: Ceasefire violation in Yemen, 22 December 2019

Al-Hudaydah: – The Saudi coalition hit the Al-Jabalia area with 12 rockets and the Al-Faza with 5 rockets.– Saudi coalition forces bombarded different areas such as Al-Jahah Al-Aali and Al-Shajen in Durayhimi and Hays districts.– One of the Durayhimi residents’ house went on fire as the result of the Saudi coalition bombardment.– Saudi Coalition bulldozers […]

Monday 23 December 2019 - 14:22

Iraqi armed forces operation in the desert

ISWNews Analysis Group: Today morning Hashad Sha’abi and Iraqi army forces under support of the airforce launched an operation to cleanse the deserts of Nineveh province from ISIS.

Monday 23 December 2019 - 13:46

LNA threatens Turkey!

ISWNews Analysis Group: Gen. Mismari, LNA spokesperson, reported of spotting Turkish planes flying to Tripoli and threatened to shoot them down.