Emirates - Islamic World News

Monday 13 May 2019 - 08:58

Investigating Tankers Explosion in Fujairah Port, Emirates

On Sunday morning a series of tankers exploded in Fujairah port. Emirates official sources denied the news first and after some details of 7-10 damaged tankers (Amjad, Marzouqah, Al Miraj, Khamsa 10 and A.Michel) were revealed, they confirmed incident for 4 tankers and claimed no loss. Emirates government said to investigate the incident.

Sunday 10 March 2019 - 17:11

Emirates; The Pirates’ Shore!

In the history of Iran’s southern shores, from Persian Gulf to Gulf of Oman, were always hosted unexpected aliens such as pirates, colonizers like Portugal and UK, who sometimes consider it their own land.

Monday 29 October 2018 - 08:14

Everything About Yemen West Coast Battle

If we take a look at the evolutions of Yemen from Spring (March), we see Saudi Coalition is following three goals: 1. In west coast of Yemen (north of Hajjah and south of al Hudaydah) 2. East of Sanaa until south of Baydha 3. East, north and west of Sa’adah (axes such as Taiz and […]

Tuesday 9 October 2018 - 08:54

Oil Exploitation in Yemen

Islamic World News Analysis Group: “Nukhbat al Shobwaniya” forces supported by Emirates after exiting Mansoor Hadi’s forces, took over military bases, “Baydha” harbor, “Ber Ali” and “Nashima” regions in Shabwa governorate.