Jawf - Islamic World News

Thursday 19 December 2019 - 11:20

Video: Elimination of Saudi coalition military vehicles on the northern Yemen fronts

Apart from the Ansar Allah’s well-powered missile and drone capabilities, perhaps the less known branch of the movement is the Engineering Unit that has effectively crippled the Saudi coalition ground forces with various tactics. The video you see is from the northern fronts of Yemen in the provinces of al-Jawf and Saadah.

Thursday 19 December 2019 - 11:08

Yemen: Repelling Saudi Coalition Attacks on Jawf Front

According to field sources of IWN, Ansar Allah has completely thwarted the recent Saudi-led coalition operation in al-Jawf province. Also the areas and heights that Ansar Allah had tactically withdrawn have been fully recaptured.

Friday 13 December 2019 - 11:34

Saudi Coalition Operation in Jawf Failed

ISWNews Analysis Group: Gen. Yayha al-Sari’, the Yemeni armed forces spokesperson, reported of Saudi coalition operation failure in Jawf.

Wednesday 5 June 2019 - 11:03

Ansar Allah Trophies from Al Jawf Front

Ansar Allah captured a large number of guns and ammunition during the advance in Safhah and Wajf front in Khab and Shaaf district, Jawf province from Saudi-led forces.

Friday 15 February 2019 - 07:52

Latest Updates on Yemen, 14 February 2019; Bombing Yemeni Fishermen by Saudi Coalition

1. Ansar Allah’s joint artillery-drone operation in attacking Saudi Coalition forces gathering location in Qays mount, Jizan border and north of Saadah.   2. Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesperson: – Saudi Coalition warplanes committed a new crime by attacking Bodhi’ island (al Hudaydah shore) and killed eight of Yemeni fishermen and wounded five others.   3. […]

Tuesday 5 February 2019 - 22:01

Yemen | Western Jawf Military Map

According to the latest news, Sabrayn and Khalifayn fronts are the main areas of clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi Coalition forces.