Persian Gulf - Islamic World News

Tuesday 13 August 2019 - 08:21

How Did Iran Warn Israel?

Zionist Regime announcement regarding participating in the US naval coalition in Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, although seems a bluff to many but can be looked at from other aspects…

Wednesday 31 July 2019 - 22:21

UAE Positive Message to Iran

After the meeting between Brigadier General Rezaei, Iran’s Border Guard commander, and Mohammed Ali Musleh al-Ahbabi, UAE Coast Guard commander, to increase the collaboration and security of the Persian Gulf, Muhammad Ali al Houthi, Head of Yemen’s Presidential Committee, considers the meeting positive and welcomes it.

Monday 27 May 2019 - 11:40

IRGC Large-Scale Drone Drills in Persian Gulf

In military drill “To Jerusalem-1” by Iran Revolution Guardian Corps in March 2019 in Persian Gulf, a total of 50 domestically-built versions of the US RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drones and Shahed 129, 161 and 191 were used to collect intelligence and destroy targets.

Sunday 31 March 2019 - 21:51

Investigating UAE’ Foreign Policy

Abundant Oil resources and wealth of the Persian Gulf which were divided by UK between several small and large countries such as Emirates and Saudi Arabia, enabled them to carry on their exploitation policies from Africa to Asia and rule over several thousand years of civilization.
Thus military and rented armies of West and East become a profitable industry which requires the “shadow of war” policy (for example Iranophobia in western Asia) to boom weapon contracts, military support, oil industry exploitation and etc.
Emirates is one of these countries which has a vast plan for foreign influence in fear of Iran and Moghawemat power and in competition with Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
The range of Emirates foreign influence plan covers countries such as Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Somalia, Afghanistan and etc.

Sunday 10 March 2019 - 17:11

Emirates; The Pirates’ Shore!

In the history of Iran’s southern shores, from Persian Gulf to Gulf of Oman, were always hosted unexpected aliens such as pirates, colonizers like Portugal and UK, who sometimes consider it their own land.

Thursday 12 April 2018 - 08:18

Will Middle East Region’s Incidents Spark The Third World War? Part One

Neglecting the numbering of world wars from beginning of history, recent evolutions show a new leaf in history is turning. A situation, which starts with a world war. Unlike previous wars, in which two superpowers confronted such as Roman-Persian empires or USSR-USA, it is a confrontation between two alliances, whose differences are not for the recent century but roots back to thousand years of history.