Syria - Islamic World News

Monday 26 June 2017 - 08:03

Syrian Army, Hezbollah make a significant push to ISIL’s most important crossing

The Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah wasted no time, Monday, attacking the Islamic State’s (ISIL) defenses near the strategic T-2 Pumping Station, as their forces resume operations to reach Albukamal. Units from the Syrian Army’s 5th Corps – alongside Hezbollah, Hashd Al-Sha’abi (Iraqi paramilitary), and Liwaa Fatemiyoun (Iranian-Afghani paramilitary) – attacked the Islamic State’s positions […]

Sunday 16 April 2017 - 08:35

Where is UN ?!

#US and other claimants of human rights are silent for rebels suicide attack on #Fuaa & #Kafarya civilians ! Today, As the agreement signed rebels should exchange near 8000 besieged people of #Fuah & #Kafraya by near 3200 #AlQaeida militants and their families in #Aleppo suburb. Rebel’s suicide attacked and killed near 100 kids and women. Donald J. Trump attacked Syria to defend what he calls humanity but now […]