News - Islamic World News

Sunday 13 October 2019 - 22:26

Syrian Army Enters Manbij and East of Euphrates

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to the agreement reached between the SDF and the Syrian government, the Syrian Army forces will enter the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces in the east and west of the Euphrates to counter Turkish aggression.

Sunday 13 October 2019 - 21:17

Latest Update on Afghanistan, 13 October 2019

1. Takhar: According to comments by Merajuddin Sadat, commander of security forces of Takhar, Shahr-e Kohne and 5 villages near it are reclaimed from Taliban. In this operation 10 Taliban members killed and 8 others wounded. 2. Maydan Wardak: – Raz Mohammad, governor of Jagto town in Kabul was assassinated. 3. Zabul: – Taliban is […]