News - Islamic World News

Thursday 7 December 2017 - 10:26

Yemen news; Dec 6, 2017

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports that burial of Ali Abdullah Saleh is denied. After the normal situation is back to Sana’a, as expected, Hadi’s troops operating in some fronts specially in Taizz and Marib.

Wednesday 6 December 2017 - 20:53

Breaking; Trump did what he wanted to do finally!

Donald Trump finally signed the order to move US embassy to Jerusalem.
This decision clearly considers occupied Jerusalem as part of Israel and violates Palestinians rights.
This action is the last nail on the coffin of peace talks between Israel and Palestine which is going for 27 years.

Tuesday 5 December 2017 - 20:21

Yemen news, 4th December 2017; Bitter end of Saleh and updates on Yemen fronts.

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports that after Saleh’s death fighters of Saudi alliance are bombing Sana’a heavily. Yemen ministry of State also declared the end of riots and fights by death of militia’s leader, Ali Abdullah Saleh. However, there are fights going in different parts of Yemen …

Tuesday 5 December 2017 - 07:14

Double attack to Erdogan

In the last week, Reza Zarrab’s statement (Iranian-Turkish businessman) in a US court put Erdogan government under sever pressure.

Sunday 3 December 2017 - 19:35

Yemen news, Saturday 3rd December 2017

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports: With increasing the riots in Sana’a by Saleh militia, Saudi alliance is attacking Yemen in all fronts.