Iran - Islamic World News

Wednesday 13 February 2019 - 21:58

Zarif’s Reaction to the Terrorist Attack in Sistan and Baluchestan

Is it no coincidence that Iran is hit by terror on the very day that #WarsawCircus begins? Especially when cohorts of same terrorists cheer it from Warsaw streets & support it with twitter bots? US seems to always make the same wrong choices, but expect different results.

Sunday 10 February 2019 - 17:26

What Does ‘Death to America’ Mean?

Iran’s supreme leader has clarified the meaning of a standard chant at anti-US rallies, saying the slogan “Death to America” was directed at the US’s leaders, not its people.

Thursday 17 January 2019 - 09:01

Press TV Anchor Arrested After Flying Into the US!

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Marzieh Hashemi, a US citizen born as Melanie Franklin was arrested at St Louis airport on Sunday and transferred by FBI agents to a detention center in Washington DC.