West Asia - Islamic World News

Saturday 23 November 2019 - 22:54

Iran’s Security Counter Attack to A Three Year Plan! / Behind the Iran’s Recent Riots, Part 1

Why gas price increased in a night in Iran and even Parliament Members did not know about it? The head of national security and foreign police commission of the Iran’s Parliament was unaware of it and tried to prepare the bill of impeachment of President Rouhani and Head of Parliament. However, what happened was beyond the issues to inform the Parliament Members. To clear the issue we look deeper at the incidents.

Wednesday 20 November 2019 - 20:55

Latest Updates on Yemen, 20 November 2019

1- Saadah:Yemeni Army “Thaqib” Air Defense System managed to intercept a Saudi coalition F-15 warplane over the Saadah sky. 2- Bin Salman statement on Yemen conflict:Since the beginning of the Yemen war, Saudi Arabia have been targeted by 286 missiles and 289 drones, but the Saudi development projects and people’s life does not affected by […]

Tuesday 19 November 2019 - 21:16

Latest Updates on Syria, 19 November 2019

1. Lattakia: Clashes between Syrian Army and Tahrir al-Sham terrorists continue in the Kabani axis. 2. Hasakah:Syrian Army sent more reinforcement to north of Tal Tamar. Heavy clashes between SDF/SAA and Turkish backed forces continue in the area. 3. Turkish Defense Ministry:– YPG and PKK have released more than 800 ISIS prisoners in Tal Abiad […]