Syria - Islamic World News

Tuesday 11 December 2018 - 08:43

Militants Activities Increased in Northwest of Syria and Continuous Violation of Sochi Agreement

In recent days Hama and Idlib frontlines are undergoing fast pace evolutions and militants by violating Sochi cease-fire agreement in north of Syria attacked Syrian Army positions in northern Hama and trying to infiltrate villages and areas of Syrian Government. Nevertheless, Syrian Army imposing heavy casualties to militants, defeated their attacks.   Yesterday Jaish al […]

Tuesday 11 December 2018 - 08:22

SDF Took Control of Hajin Hospital

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Last night Syrian Democratic Forces could reclaim Hajin hospital by advancing inside the town.

Monday 3 December 2018 - 07:52

Latest Updates on Syria 2 December 2018

1. 159 assassinations in militants controlled lands during the last three months. According to pro-opposition media, in the last three months 159 assassinations against militants and field commanders in different points of occupied northwest of Syria have been done. 93 of them took place in Idlib and suburbs, 20 in Afrin area and 46 in […]