Explosion at Kabul Airport; 13 Americans Were Killed
ISWNews Analysis Group: On August 26, a terrorist blast at the eastern entrance of Kabul Airport has killed and wounded scores of Afghan civilians, US troops and the Taliban.
ISWNews Analysis Group: On August 26, a terrorist blast at the eastern entrance of Kabul Airport has killed and wounded scores of Afghan civilians, US troops and the Taliban.
ISWNews Analysis Group: The Council of Shiite Ulema of Afghanistan in its meeting today called for the formation of an inclusive government based on the Islamic system.
According to the Watson Institute, the cost of the US war in Afghanistan since its inception in the fall of 2001 has reached a staggering $ 2.26 trillion. Also during this period, 241 thousand people were killed as a result of this war.
The popular mobilization forces have taken up positions against the Taliban militants in the heights of Andarab and Deh Salah. In recent days, the control over these areas have been changed between the two sides, but now the control of these two district is in the hands of Taliban militants. The southern front of Panjshir […]
Ashura ceremony in Mazar-e-Sharif was held with the participation of tens of thousands of citizens of Balkh province in a very safe and glorious atmosphere more than in previous years. In this ceremony, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Hashem Hosseini Nejad, Head of Ashura Ceremony, Hujjat al-Islam Moghaddasi, Representative of Molawi Mehdi Mojahed, Hujjat al-Islam Bayani, Chairman […]
ISWNews Analysis Group: Ahmad Massoud, son of “Ahmad Shah Massoud”, declared resistance against the Taliban in a message through the French media La Règle du Jeu.
ISWNews Analysis Group: In an interview with RTL French, Bernard-Henri Levy spoke about recent developments in Afghanistan.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Heavy clashes between the Taliban and government forces are taking place in the western, northern and southern axes of Mazar-e-Sharif.
In recent days, the Taliban have gained complete control of six provinces and captured 18 provincial capitals, a widespread advance that shows the Taliban’s upper hand in Afghanistan’s military and political confrontation.
With Turkey’s insistence on military presence at Kabul Airport and the Taliban explicitly opposing the decision, Afghan tensions are entering a new phase of regional conflict.
The capture of the provincial capitals of Nimruz, Jawzjan, Takhar and… by the Taliban is an important step in changing the course of developments in Afghanistan, which in addition to destroying the structure of the US-Taliban agreement, changes the structure of power in Afghanistan.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the Taliban heavy attacks on government positions, the group captured the city of Sheberghan, the capital of Jawzjan province.