Iraq - Islamic World News

Tuesday 1 January 2019 - 08:10

Attacking ISIS in Syria by Iraqi Fighters

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Iraqi Airforce for the several consecutive times during the last few months attacked ISIS positions in Syria.

Friday 28 December 2018 - 10:12

Unannounced Trump’s Visit to Ayn Al Asad Airbase; Insult to Iraq Rule

Donald Trump and his wife landed in Ayn Al Asad Airbase in Al Anbar province Iraq and celebrated Christmas with soldiers in front of cameras without meeting with any officials from Iraq and returned to USA. He said he does not have the intention to pull out US forces from Iraq and even might use […]

Wednesday 5 December 2018 - 19:03

Qassem Soleimani Meeting with Iraqi Sunni Scholars

Islamic World News Analysis Group: General Gassem Soleimani, commander of Quds corp of Islamic Revolution Guard Corps along with Abu Mahdi Al Muhandis, vice president of Iraqi Hashad Sha’abi met with Mahdi Al Samida’i, Iraqi Sunni Scholar.

Wednesday 28 November 2018 - 20:27

PMU Security Operation in Najaf Desert

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Hashad Sha’abi forces on Tuesday to increase the safety and security level of Najaf, started an operation in depth of 30 km in Najaf desert.