ISWNews - Islamic World News

Friday 15 February 2019 - 07:52

Latest Updates on Yemen, 14 February 2019; Bombing Yemeni Fishermen by Saudi Coalition

1. Ansar Allah’s joint artillery-drone operation in attacking Saudi Coalition forces gathering location in Qays mount, Jizan border and north of Saadah.   2. Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesperson: – Saudi Coalition warplanes committed a new crime by attacking Bodhi’ island (al Hudaydah shore) and killed eight of Yemeni fishermen and wounded five others.   3. […]

Thursday 14 February 2019 - 19:21

No-fly zone in southern Libya

Libyan Air Force announced that landing at & takeoff from airports and airstrips in southern Libya is forbidden unless Authorized by LAF ops room.

Wednesday 13 February 2019 - 21:58

Zarif’s Reaction to the Terrorist Attack in Sistan and Baluchestan

Is it no coincidence that Iran is hit by terror on the very day that #WarsawCircus begins? Especially when cohorts of same terrorists cheer it from Warsaw streets & support it with twitter bots? US seems to always make the same wrong choices, but expect different results.