Latest Updates on Lebanon, 9 August 2020
Latest news of the protests and developments in Lebanon

Latest news of the protests and developments in Lebanon
It seems that in addition to economic reason and lack of confronting the corruption remained from Hariri’s administration in Lebanon’s recent protests, Arabic-Western axis are diverting the attention of opposition of the deal of the century, including Lebanon, to domestic problems and destabilizing them. It is obvious that one main reason for protests in Iraq […]
After months of declining the protests process in Lebanon, different parts of this country witnessing again sporadic clashes in protest to the economic situation. For having a better view on the current situation in Lebanon, should have a short review on Oct 17 of 2019, that took place a vast wave of street protests all […]
They had designed difficult days for Lebanon, the days that insecurity and chaos plunged bride of the Middle East into sadness and war vortex, but people awareness and March 8th group prevented partly from the process that Lebanon like its neighbouring countries get confused.
Will the election of a new prime minister end the problems in Lebanon? Download
ISWNews Analysis Group: Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri announced no candidacy for the next prime ministerial post.
Recent protests in Lebanon has roots in many social and economic issues which caused the situation to be difficult. A situation enemy is using to weaken or eliminate Hezbollah.
ISWNews Analysis Group: General Secretary of Hezbollah in a speech commemorating scholar Sayyed Ja’far Murtaza talked about recent incidents of Lebanon
The biggest blow an enemy can do to an country is to preclude its security; what they are doing in some countries of the region and precluding their security.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Lebanon PM Saad Hariri announced his resignation to the President of Lebanon.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Sayyed Hasan Nasrollah disclosed some embassies intrigues and civil war in Lebanon.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Samir Geagea, leader of Lebanon’s Armed Forces party, officially announced resignation of his party’s ministers to show allegiance with protesters.