Latest Updates on Libya, 15 June 2020 (Map Update)
Forces of the Khalid Bin Waleed battalion affiliated with LNA were deployed at the al-Feel oil field. These forces have been dispatched to the area for preventing GNA oil extraction.

Forces of the Khalid Bin Waleed battalion affiliated with LNA were deployed at the al-Feel oil field. These forces have been dispatched to the area for preventing GNA oil extraction.
In recent weeks the Libyan National Army (LNA) has retreated extensively from northwest of Libya including Surman, Sabratah, al-Watiyah, south of Tripoli, Tarhunah and west of Sirte. We will review some of the reasons for this.
ISWNews Analysis Group: The Government of National Accord (GNA) forces arrived at the gates of Sirte in less than 24 hours after announcing a new operation to liberate the city of Sirte and Jufrah.
ISWNews Analysis Group: The Government of National Accord (GNA) captured the important town of Tarhunah from the Libyan National Army (LNA) forces.
ISWNews Analysis Group: GNA Turkish backed forces captured a vast area including several settlements and military points in southern Tripoli from the LNA forces.
Latest news from the Libya’s frontlines
ISWNews Analysis Group: Despite the LNA claim about its 3 kilometers withdrawal from the Tripoli fronts, the LNA forces have had heavy failures and have extensively withdrew from Tripoli various fronts.
Latest news from the Libya’s frontlines
Latest news from the Libya’s frontlines
Latest news from the Libya’s frontlines
Latest news from the Tripoli, Sirte and Tanrhunah frontlines
The latest news from Tripoli, Tarhunah and Sirte fronts