News - Islamic World News

Friday 17 January 2020 - 21:15

UN coordinated with Saudi coalition

General Yaha Sari decrying UN coordination with Saudi coalition wrote:
Increase of enemies attacks contradicts words of UN’s special envoy “Martin Griffiths”; since Saudi coalition is continuing the war with everyday attacks, ceasefire violations and airstrikes. Even today they launched three airstrikes against Kitaf area, Saadah province.

Thursday 16 January 2020 - 23:55

Haj Qassem Soleimani’s heritage in Syria

Gen. Soleimani, as the commander of IRGC Quds forces, from the beginning of crisis in Syria, due to his important role that had in managing this project, provided the base for realization of Iran’s strategies that include preservation of the Syrian government and confronting with Takfiri groups, by supporting of Syrian army. He have left […]

Thursday 16 January 2020 - 23:46

Alhurra turning toward Muqtada Sadr!

Alhurra satellite TV as the strongest network of westerns in Arabic countries specially Iraq, which has a long history of insulting Marja of Shia and religious holies, now is focusing on Muqtada Sadr.