News - Islamic World News

Saturday 8 June 2019 - 20:59

Revolution in Africa; Power Transfer in Sudan! – Part Two

As mentioned in previous article, unlike wrong news and analyses, evolutions and revolutions are directed by Saudi Arabia and UAE. In Sudan a quasi coup similar to General Al Sisi in Egypt happened and Army and protestors are still struggling.

Friday 7 June 2019 - 12:21

Rafales in Qatar!

Qatar has received its first batch of Rafale fighter jets from France.

Friday 7 June 2019 - 08:35

Latest Military Situation in Northwest Hama; Map

ISWNews Analysis Group: From Thursday evening, different militia groups launched a new offensive in northwest of Hama against Syrian Army’s positions and in early hours of the operation could capture villages Jubain, Tal Malah and Kafr Houd.