News - Islamic World News

Thursday 25 October 2018 - 15:43

Azerbaijan Chief of General Staff Visits Israel

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Head of the Azerbaijan military, Col. Gen. Sadikhov, met at the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv on Wednesday with his Israeli counterpart, Lt. Gen. Eizenkot.

Tuesday 23 October 2018 - 19:03

Latest Military Situation in Susah-Baghuz Axis

Islamic World News Analysis Group: The Syrian Democratic Forces with heavy support of artillery and airstrikes of the US coalition, entered the al-Susah village in eastern Euphrates.

Sunday 21 October 2018 - 20:58

Syrian Refugees in Turkey

According to statistics, about 3,500,000 Syrian citizens have sought refugees in Turkey and this transportation rate has cost Turkey more than $ 8,000,000,000.