News - Islamic World News

Friday 19 January 2018 - 20:29

Yemen latest news, 18 January

Harrak forces in their rally in Khor Maksar Aden, opposed Tarik and his brother Ammar in Aden. In this rally, there is image of Tarik with a big red cross on it and a caption reads “war criminal”. AnsarAllah ballistic missile fires to Saudi SAM center in Najran. Mohammed Al Jaber, Saudi ambassador in Yemen […]

Sunday 14 January 2018 - 17:10

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Develops Counter-Attack Against Syrian Army In Southern Idlib

On January 14, the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria – Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – and its allies recaptured the villages of Atshan, Tell Maraq, Umm Khalakhil, Zifr Saqer, Zif Kabir, Suruj, Istablat and Rasm al-Qard in the southeastern Idlib countryside from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), according to the HTS-lined Iba’a news agency.

Thursday 11 January 2018 - 20:04

Muslim parade in support of Sheik Zakzaky in Nigeria

Islamic World News Analysis Group: After critical health condition of Sheik Ibrahim Zakzaky, leader of Nigerian Shiites in government prison, has been announced, people in capital of this country protest.