Yemen - Islamic World News

Friday 28 January 2022 - 21:24

Withdrawal of Amaliqa forces from Marib and Shabwa fronts!

One month after the entry of Amaliqah forces (Giant Brigades) into the heavy fighting in Shabwa and Marib provinces, these forces announced the end of military operations in the west of Shabwa province and the south of Marib on January 28.

Friday 28 January 2022 - 10:28

Audience Question: Who are the Giant Brigades?

The Giant Brigades (Arabic: العمالقة, Al-Amaliqah) are among the old Yemeni militia groups that have been organized under the command of the Saudi coalition since 2017 and are taking part in the Yemeni war.

Thursday 27 January 2022 - 12:54

Latest updates on Yemen, 27 January 2022

ISWNews Analysis Group: The “Expo Dubai” announced the cancellation and postponement of a number of its programs in the UAE, due to the recent threats of Ansar Allah.