Yemen - Islamic World News

Friday 1 May 2020 - 13:05

What is the Nature of the Declaration of Autonomy by the STC?

The announcement of autonomy by Southern Transitional Council (STC) is rooted in English plans which is being supported by United Arab Emirates recently. After Aidarus al-Zoubaidi’s a visit to Abu Dhabi the Southern Transitional Council in along with internal conflicts of Yemen continued opposing to Mansour Hadi government, and despite the agreement in Riyadh, they […]

Thursday 30 April 2020 - 20:29

Audience Question: Did Ansar Allah Liberated 95% of al-Jawf?

Question:Hello, i have some questions about Yemen.First of all, what do you think about General Yahya Sari’s statement that 95% of al-Jawf province has been liberated?Because according to your maps 95% of al-Jawf is not liberated and it is being said that Ansar Allah through al-jawf to Rub’ al Khali and then by connecting themselves […]