Latest map of fronts in Syria until 13 February 2018
In this article; investigation of important changes in battlefield during the last 105 days
In this article; investigation of important changes in battlefield during the last 105 days
Islamic World News Analysis Group: On Saturday morning Syrian air defense shot down an Israeli F-16 which attacked some targets in Syrian land.
Islamic World News Analysis group reports that in early hours of today, Israeli fighters attack to some points in Syria again and Syrian Army only confines to interception of missiles and a statement.
Maybe you ask how different Intifadas (Palestinian rebellion against Israel oppression) end in despite of Palestinians’ support and effort?
Islamic World News Analysis Group: Ahed Al Tamimi, 16 years old Palestinian girl who is participating in demos against Israel continuously from 2012 in Nabi Salih in West Bank of Jordan River was arrested at 4 AM from her house by Israeli forces.
Mohamed Qasim Tarhini one of Lebanon Islamic Moqawama (Hezbollah) martyred in fight against terrorists in Syria. Last summer he sent a message, which frightened Israel severely.
Hamas in their statement which published last night, invited Palestinian people to go to border between Gaza strip and occupied Palestine and engage and fight with Zionist soldiers and inhabitants there.
Donald Trump finally signed the order to move US embassy to Jerusalem.
This decision clearly considers occupied Jerusalem as part of Israel and violates Palestinians rights.
This action is the last nail on the coffin of peace talks between Israel and Palestine which is going for 27 years.
By David Macilwain
David lives in Australia, but grew up and graduated in the UK.
We can surly say that in recent years, wherever chaos existed, there is a trace of a man named Bernard Henri Levy!