Libya Conflict - Islamic World News

Friday 21 February 2020 - 13:29

Latest Updates on Libya, 21 February 2020

1. Emirates Leaks:Emirate Ilyushin Il-76 cargo planes have flown three times a day to the east of Libya. These planes on February 6-8 have flown to the east of Libya, from the Abu Dhabi airport and with stopping in the Jordanian Al Aghabah airport.Also, these planes on Jan 12-26 have flown to the airports in […]

Thursday 6 February 2020 - 09:19

A report on Syrian militants in Libya

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to sources in Libya, there are thousands of Syrian militants in Libya, some of whom are former members of terrorist groups such as al Nusrah, ISIS, etc.

Friday 6 December 2019 - 16:34

Map: Latest Military Situation in Libya, 5 December 2019

1. South of Tripoli: No flight zone over Tripoli imposed by LNA shows that Gen. Haftar has a step by step plan to conquer the capital. At the moment GNA forces are resisting hard in the south of Tripoli and made it difficult for LNA to advance. Latest updates show that LNA attacked west of […]

Saturday 2 March 2019 - 22:56

Libya National Army Advance in Southwest of Libya + Map

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Following Libya National Army operation under commanding of General Haftar in southwest of Libya captured towns Traghen, Zaytuna, Fanqul, Uwaynat and important border city of Ghat.