Syria - Islamic World News

Wednesday 5 July 2017 - 07:56

Syrian Army is on the verge of retaking central Syria

The Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) recent advances in the Aleppo and Al-Raqqa governorates have paved the way for their forces to wedge the Islamic State (ISIL) terror organization in the central part of the country. With many units from the Tiger Forces making their way to the key town of Qomhana in the Hama Governorate, […]

Tuesday 4 July 2017 - 08:00

Syrian government forces have liberated the Tulul Hayl area from ISIS

Syrian government forces have liberated the Tulul Hayl area from ISIS and made gains against ISIS near Ramamin in the province of Homs. The Syrian army and its allies, backed up by the Russian Aerospace Forces, are preparing for a major push toward the ISIS-held town of Sukhna at the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor road.

Monday 3 July 2017 - 13:38

The White Helmets provide military aid

Political discourse is important in media and politics, especially the definitions of the words that we use in discourse. In Nicaragua v. United States (1984), the International Court of Justice established many principles of international law that apply to the current situation in Syria and I suspect that if this case were tried today with […]

Monday 3 July 2017 - 13:32

Syria introduces new banknotes featuring President Assad

For first time ever, Syria has introduced a banknote with the face of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The 2,000 Syrian Lira ($3.9) bill went into circulation on Sunday, according to a statement released by the country’s central bank. This is the first time that Assad’s face has been featured on the country’s currency since he came to […]

Sunday 2 July 2017 - 11:27

Trump lacks Syria strategy, risks confrontation with Russia and Iran, analysts say

US President Donald Trump has ordered increased military operations in Syria and delegated more authority to his generals despite lacking a comprehensive strategy, an approach that may spark a confrontation with Syria, Iran and Russia, according to US officials and analysts. The United States has taken a series of military actions over the past three […]

Monday 26 June 2017 - 08:03

Syrian Army, Hezbollah make a significant push to ISIL’s most important crossing

The Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah wasted no time, Monday, attacking the Islamic State’s (ISIL) defenses near the strategic T-2 Pumping Station, as their forces resume operations to reach Albukamal. Units from the Syrian Army’s 5th Corps – alongside Hezbollah, Hashd Al-Sha’abi (Iraqi paramilitary), and Liwaa Fatemiyoun (Iranian-Afghani paramilitary) – attacked the Islamic State’s positions […]