Syria - Islamic World News

Thursday 12 March 2020 - 22:22

Explosion in the northwest of Hasakah

ISWNews Analysis Group: A suicide car blast in the village of Tal Halaf in the west of Ras al-Ain has killed two Turkish soldiers and three TFSA forces and injured eight others.

Monday 9 March 2020 - 18:19

The result of the Moscow agreement; liberation of the M5 and M4

Finally today (March 5th 2020) after Putin and Erdogan meeting, was obtained an agreement about ending the clashes in Idlib in Syria, that the result of this agreement, was the completion and stabilization of the victory of Syrian army and Islamic resistance from one side, and completion of failure and withdrawal of Turkey and armed persons backed by it, from other side.

Friday 6 March 2020 - 21:06

New ceasefire in Idlib; impossible?!

Moscow summit is over and Putin and Erdogan said they’ve reached an agreement on a new ceasefire in Idlib area. We will analyze the ceasefire.

Thursday 5 March 2020 - 20:51

Breaking: Two Turkish soldiers killed in Syria!

ISWNews Analysis Group: Hours ago, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the deaths of two Turkish soldiers as a result of the Syrian army’s bombardment in Syria’s Idlib.

Thursday 5 March 2020 - 11:53

Video: Syrian Army Intercepting Israeli Missiles

The Syrian army’s air defense systems last night had a very sharp response to the Israeli missiles and according to sources, all missile were intercepted and destroyed.

Wednesday 4 March 2020 - 17:26

Map: Latest Military Situation in Northwest Syria

From the start of last part of operation by Syrian army and resistance forces in northwest of Syria on 19 December 2019 so far, about 2,345 km2 area were liberated from Turkish-backed terrorists, from which 763 km2 was in Aleppo and 1,582 km2 in Idlib provinces.