News - Islamic World News

Monday 3 February 2020 - 11:40

Turkish Soldier Killed in Idlib Province

ISWNews Analysis Group: Six Turkish soldiers have been killed and nine injured in shelling by Syrian government forces near Saraqeb in north west of Syria.

Sunday 2 February 2020 - 15:03

The phone call of the Gen. Qaani with the secretary general of Islamic Jihad

The IRGC Quds force commander, Haj Ismaeil Qaani said in this phone call to Ziyad al-Nakhalah: the stance of the Islamic Republic of Iran in supporting of Palestinian people always been constant, and in confronting with the shameful conspiracy of the Deal of the Century that has targeted Palestinian people rights, we will be with Palestinian people.

Saturday 1 February 2020 - 22:31

Breaking: Ansar Allah attacks on Hazm town

According to local sources, Ansar Allah forces have entered al-Hazm town (the capital of al-Jawf province) and clashes with Saudi coalition forces have begun inside the town.