Iran - Islamic World News

Tuesday 25 June 2019 - 10:19

US. Efforts to Form a Coalition Against Iran

ISWNews Analysis Group: The fourfold committee of Yemen issues (USA, UK, UAE and KSA) wants diplomatic solutions to ease regional tensions and make a global consensus against Iran.

Friday 21 June 2019 - 20:19

Israeli Papers: Trump Showed, He Cannot Be Counted On!

An analyst of Zionist Yediot Ahronot papers, wrote mentioning shoot-down of US spy drone by IRGC surface to air missile that: Retreating against shoot-down of the drone shows Trump cannot be counted on in confronting Tehran.

Friday 21 June 2019 - 14:02

IRGC Displayed US MQ-4C UAV Wreckage

IRGC displayed parts of the US MQ-4C UAV which was shot down by “Third Khordad” air defence system near the Strait of Hormuz.