UAE Forces Retreats From Marib, Yemen
ISWNews Analysis Group: According to Saudi Coalition’s media, UAE forces retreated from Marib province and Saudi forces replaced them.

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to Saudi Coalition’s media, UAE forces retreated from Marib province and Saudi forces replaced them.
A few days ago GNA forces repelled LNA forces led by Gen. Haftar from Gharyan town, south of Tripoli.
Clashes between Nukhbat al Shabwaniyah forces(backed by UAE) and Mansour Hadi’s forces(backed by Saudi) continue in Shabwah.
As mentioned in previous article, unlike wrong news and analyses, evolutions and revolutions are directed by Saudi Arabia and UAE. In Sudan a quasi coup similar to General Al Sisi in Egypt happened and Army and protestors are still struggling.
On Sunday morning a series of tankers exploded in Fujairah port. Emirates official sources denied the news first and after some details of 7-10 damaged tankers (Amjad, Marzouqah, Al Miraj, Khamsa 10 and A.Michel) were revealed, they confirmed incident for 4 tankers and claimed no loss. Emirates government said to investigate the incident.
Abundant Oil resources and wealth of the Persian Gulf which were divided by UK between several small and large countries such as Emirates and Saudi Arabia, enabled them to carry on their exploitation policies from Africa to Asia and rule over several thousand years of civilization.
Thus military and rented armies of West and East become a profitable industry which requires the “shadow of war” policy (for example Iranophobia in western Asia) to boom weapon contracts, military support, oil industry exploitation and etc.
Emirates is one of these countries which has a vast plan for foreign influence in fear of Iran and Moghawemat power and in competition with Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
The range of Emirates foreign influence plan covers countries such as Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Somalia, Afghanistan and etc.
In the history of Iran’s southern shores, from Persian Gulf to Gulf of Oman, were always hosted unexpected aliens such as pirates, colonizers like Portugal and UK, who sometimes consider it their own land.
UAE said in a statement that this step represents the keenness of the UAE government on restoring relations between the two brotherly countries to its normal in a way that consolidates and activates the Arab role in supporting the sovereignty & independence of Syrian Arab Republic and its territorial integrity!
After all sides agreed on political solution and exchanging POWs, here is the latest updates of negotiations
– Saudi Coalition forces are advancing to Mobile square; in this axis City Max and Passport Building (west of City Max) are under control by Coalition. – Heavy engagement around 22 May hospital and coastal guard base. – Saudi Coalition numerous attacks to Nana(16km) square defended by AnsarAllah.
Investigation of important changes in Yemen battlefield in axes of al Hudaydah, north of Hajjah, Sa’ada and Baydha.
In this map, the latest situation of southern Al-Hudaydah and Ad-Durayhimi town is specified. UAE-led forces in Ad-Durayhimi are stopped.