News - Islamic World News

Thursday 16 December 2021 - 10:06

Latest Updates on Yemen, 15 December 2021

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah and popular committees captured the al-Batr, al-Akad and al-Naqa’h areas in the Marib’s Wadi district from the control of the Saudi-led forces.

Thursday 16 December 2021 - 09:31

Israeli airstrike on southern Syria

ISWNews Analysis Group: Early on December 16, Israeli warplanes attacked areas in southern Syria with several missiles, killing an SAA member and material damage.

Wednesday 15 December 2021 - 08:34

Chief of MI6 reveals: The fall of Kabul and the great threats against Britain

“Richard Moore” the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and formerly the Director General, Political, at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and previously the British Ambassador to Turkey, in his first interview said that the fall of Kabul by Taliban was unexpected, and was the result of miscalculation of the intelligence services.