Yemen - Islamic World News

Sunday 10 December 2017 - 12:06

Yemen news Dec 9th 2017

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports: After Saleh’s unsuccessful coup and his elimination from Yemen politics, AnsarAllah and Mansour Hadi try to negotiate with different tribes in addition to heavy fights going between them.

Thursday 7 December 2017 - 10:26

Yemen news; Dec 6, 2017

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports that burial of Ali Abdullah Saleh is denied. After the normal situation is back to Sana’a, as expected, Hadi’s troops operating in some fronts specially in Taizz and Marib.

Sunday 3 December 2017 - 19:35

Yemen news, Saturday 3rd December 2017

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports: With increasing the riots in Sana’a by Saleh militia, Saudi alliance is attacking Yemen in all fronts.

Sunday 3 December 2017 - 18:11

Ali Abdullah Saleh with or against AnsarAllah?

After Saleh stands against AnsarAllah today and supporting of it in the statement of Saudi alliance, Yemeni Scholars Association in their statement demand immediate ceasefire between Yemeni groups and reunion of all groups in Yemen. AnsarAllah in their statement reject Saleh stand to negotiate with Saudi alliance, saying “Yemen’s enemies trying to destroy Yemen from inside after they could not achieve it by their armies from outside.”

Sunday 3 December 2017 - 09:15

Yemen news, Saturday 2nd December 2017

Islamic World News Analysis Group reports: After starting the political disputes and sporadic fights between Yemeni groups from Wednesday, Yemen ministry of defence announces the end of fights in Sana’a, capital of Yemen, today. The situation in Sana’a is normal and public places are open, safe and functional.